WG Legal Experts

EARTO WG Legal Experts is composed of more than 25 active experts. The WG is looking at the EU legal rules related to Research & Innovation and impacting RTOs. The experts define common positions and organise workshops with key institutional stakeholders to best prepare the legal aspects of related EU policies.

Key Topics for 2024

  • Horizon Europe implementation: Rules for Participation and Model Grant Agreement (legal aspects) & Annotated Grant Agreement,  Data Management Plan
  • Intellectual Property Rights, Standard Essential Patents & Standardisation
  • EU State Aid rules: implementation and revision
  • Open Science policy, incl. FAIR data, European Open Science Cloud, Open access to publications
  • Pre-Commercial Procurement
Cooperation with EU Institutions & Stakeholders
  • European Commission (DG R&I, DG CONNECT, DG GROW, DG COMP, DG EMPL, DG JRC)
  • EP (ITRE)
  • Council of the EU
  • European Patent Organisation (EPO)
  • Industry: BusinessEurope, Digital Europe (especially on SEPs)
  • Universities: EUA, CESAER, The Guild

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