Due to COVID-19, the drop in sales’ revenue has urged some companies to close down, leaving many people unemployed. In order to regain consumer’s confidence and increase again purchasing opportunities for textile products, a disinfection tool for textile surfaces infected by coronavirus needs to be developed.
Innovation: AITEX, EARTO member through REDIT Innovation Network, developed a bio-indicator system for the evaluation and validation of different disinfection procedures and technologies against SARS-CoV-2. This bio-indicator, due to its size and morphology, has a behaviour similar to the coronavirus and can ensure that any possible particles of the coronavirus present in the garment have been inactivated. Based on the knowledge gained from the use of the bio-indicator, a label has been developed to verify the garment disinfection when it is applied correctly and reaches the desired temperature at the right distance and time.
Impact Delivered: Up to now, AITEX has already developed and sent 40,000 labels to more than 40 important Spanish fashion distribution chains, such as Inditex.
The Network of Technological Centres of the Valencian Community (REDIT) is a private non-profit association that integrates and represents the 11 technological centres of the region.