26 / 05 / 2020
Joint Statement on EU Interregional Innovation Investments: Towards EU Economic Recovery
European Clusters Alliance,
EuroTech Universities Alliance,
UAS4Europe and
Vanguard Initiative, jointly published a
Joint Statement on EU Interregional Innovation Investments towards EU economic recovery.
Ahead of the revised Multiannual Financial Framework, European regions and innovation stakeholders jointly call on the European institutions to use the EU Interregional Innovation Investment instrument to unleash the innovation potential available in Europe’s regions for Europe’s recovery.
To this regard, we jointly call on the European Institutions to use the Interregional Innovation Investment instrument to unleash the innovation potential available in Europe’s regions. This new instrument is fully in line with the EU’s strategic orientations in terms of Cohesion Policy and beyond: it will serve EU economic recovery based on the new EU Industrial Strategy. Such Interregional Innovation Investments will support sustainable and inclusive recovery and growth in the EU.
Read the full
Joint Statement