EARTO Innovation School on “H2020 Simplification: Towards Horizon Europe Rules for Participation”
– Brussels, 7 May 2018 –
On 7 May 2018, EARTO held its 7th EARTO Innovation School focusing on “H2020 Simplification: Towards Horizon Europe Rules for Participation”.
During the event, the European Court of Auditors and the ANRT presented their latest reports on FP Simplification, and EARTO financial experts presented their own feedback on H2020 simplification based on their experience so far, as well as the two latest EARTO papers on related topics:
EARTO Input towards Lump-Sum in Horizon Europe
EARTO Recommendations for Horizon Europe Rules for Participation
The event gathered some 50 representatives from European Institutions, Permanent Representations to the EU and National R&I Offices.
Event’s presentations