EARTO Annual Conference 2016 in The Hague, Netherlands

EU Innovation Policy: Today’s Challenges for Innovation Infrastructures within EU Innovation Ecosystems and Industrial Value-chains

– The Hague, 18-19 April 2016 –


The EARTO Annual Conference 2016 was held on 18-19 April in The Hague, kindly hosted by EARTO member TNO. This year again we welcomed more than 200 participants for successful discussions.


The conference focused on “EU Innovation Policy: Today’s Challenges for Innovation Infrastructure within EU Innovation Ecosystems and Industrial Value-Chains”. It featured high-level speakers from the European Commission and other Institutions, as well as members of EARTO.


Pictures of the EARTO Internal Meetings of 18 Apri

Pictures of the EARTO Annual Conference Dinner of 18 April

Pictures of the EARTO Annual Conference of 19 April 2016


Tuesday 19 April



  • President of EARTO
  • Paul de Krom, CEO, TNO
  • Maarten Camps, Secretary-General, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
  • Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
Part 1 – EU Innovation Investments: the Challenges Met by Innovation Infrastructures Today in Europe
  • Luc Van den Hove, CEO, imec
  • Jasper Wesseling, Deputy Director General for Enterprise & Innovation, Director Innovation & Knowledge, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands
  • Martin Kern, Interim Director & Chief Operating Officer, EIT
  • Guido Dierick, Executive Vice President & CEO, NXP Netherlands
  • Ronan Burgess, Acting Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, EC
  • Mark Nicklas, Acting Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
Discussion moderated by Paul de Krom, CEO, TNO  
Part 2 – How can Innovation Infrastructures Answer those Challenges (3 Parallel Sessions)
Session 1 – Access to Finances for RTOs to Support the Creation of New Innovation Infrastructures
  • Access to Finances for RTOs: Results of EIB StudyShiva Dustdar, Head of Division, Innovation Finance Advisory Division, EIB
  • CEA Views – Jean Winckler, Directorate of Strategy and Programmes, CEA
  • LIST ViewsGabriel Crean, CEO, LIST
  • SP ViewsMargaret McNamee, CTO, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
Discussion moderated by André Laville, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, CSEM  
Session 2 – Support to Innovation Infrastructures by EU Regional Development Policy
  • Markku Markkula, President, Committee of the Regions
  • The Difficulty of Combining Cohesion Targets with Innovation PolicyCharlina Vitcheva, Director, Smart and Sustainable Growth and Southern Europe, DG REGIO, European Commission
  • A Region with an RTO: The Case of Eindhoven with TNOTon Van Lier, Strategic Policy Officer and EU Subsidy Coordinator, City of Helmond
  • Inter-Region Cooperation on Innovation Infrastructure: Jožef Stefan Institute Linking with North ItalyJadran Lenarčič, Director, Jožef Stefan Institute
  • TWI Views, Peter Oakley, Associate Director, TWI
  • AIMEN ViewsJesus Angel Lago Gestido, General Manager, AIMEN
Discussion Moderated by Farah Fahim, Brussels Office, EURAC Research Bolzano/Bozen  
Session 3 – Innovation Investments: Going Hand in Hand with Impact
  • OECD Presentation on their Work on ImpactDominique Guellec, Head of Science and Technological policy, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD
  • EARTO Economic Footprint StudyMiriam Van Hoed, Senior Consultant, IDEA Consult
  • Tecnalia Presentation of Impact Study – Iñaki San Sebastian, Managing Director, Tecnalia
  • SINTEF & Norwegian Institutes Presentation of Impact StudyErnst Kristiansen, Executive Vice President, SINTEF
  • CSEM Study on the Contribution of CSEM Activities to the Behaviour and the Performance of Cooperating EnterprisesGeorges Kotrosios, Member of the Executive Board CSEM
  • Fraunhofer Presentation of Impact StudyJuliane Krause, Think Tank Manager, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
  • TNO Presentation of Impact StudyEvgueni Poliakov, Senior Research Scientist in Economics, TNO
Discussion moderated by David Tveit, Executive Vice President, DTI  
Part 3 – The European Innovation Council: an Answer to Today’s Challenges in Terms of Innovation
  • Maria da Graça Carvalho, DG R&I, European Commission
  • Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament
  • Jean-Frédéric Clerc, Deputy Director, Directorate of Technologic Research, CEA
Discussion moderated by EARTO President   Closing by EARTO President