20 / 10 / 2022

EARTO Webinar on Current Hurdles to Mobility of Researchers on Wednesday 26 October

In 2019, EARTO already pointed out in an open letter the high bureaucratic requirements that exist due to EU Regulation 883/04/EC, the Enforcement Directive 2014/67/EU on the EU Posting of Workers Directive and due to the implementation of the EU Posting of Workers Directive 2018/957/EU. EARTO made suggestions to significantly improve the situation. Unfortunately, as of today, the situation has not improved, instead it worsened. In this regard,EARTO points out that if those hurdles are not treated carefully, they will hinder the European efforts to increase international researcher mobility, the strengthening of the European Research Area and the success of mobility instruments within the EU RD&I Programme Horizon Europe. In this new EARTO paper, EARTO specifically addresses and brings further recommendations regarding the following issues:

  1. Clarification and Amendment are needed regarding A1 forms for business trips (EU Regulation 883/04 and 987/09)
  2. EU notification requirements and Equal Pay principle (directives 2014/67/EU and 2018/957/EU)
  3. Remote work from abroad
  4. Recognition of residence permits for mobile researchers

EARTO organised an online webinar on Current Hurdles to Mobility of Researchers on 26 October, where EARTO experts, Ms Annika Gehrmann (Head of Group International HR & Labor Law, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft) and Ms Sanna Downing (Team Leader, Global Mobility, VTT) presented the paper and answered your questions.

The recording of this Webinar is available on our YouTube channel