07 / 10 / 2020

EARTO Reaction to the EC Communication on ERA

EARTO welcomes the newly published European Commission’s Communication on a new ERA for Research and Innovation. Especially, EARTO appreciates the new ambitions stated in the Communication which:
  1. Reaffirm strong targets in terms of public RD&I investments at EU level ensuring strong commitments of the Member States in national spendings,
  2. Refocus the European Research Area towards developing a strong European industrial base and technological sovereignty,
  3. Create a European Strategy on Technology Infrastructures.
  EARTO strongly encourages Member States to pick up those recommendations within the up-coming Council’s conclusions on ERA.   In addition, EARTO calls on the EU Institutions to support the key actions defined by the European Commission in this Communication by taking together a set of supportive measures as detailed in its paper.   Read the details in EARTO Reaction