03 / 05 / 2019

EARTO publishes 3 papers on the financial aspects of HEU implementation: towards HEU MGA

EARTO members being very active participants in the EU R&I Framework Programmes (FP), especially in collaborative projects, EARTO is a strong supporter of the European Commission’s efforts towards the simplification of the EU R&I Framework Programmes. EARTO is therefore happy to share three new papers (attached) as inputs to the current preparation of the future Horizon Europe’s (HEU) implementation and to the drafting of HEU Model Grant Agreement.  
  • EARTO members experts’ feedback on the implementation of H2020, including on FP simplification measures, are compiled in the attached paper. Such feedback is based on RTOs’ extensive experience of EU R&I projects, both as partners and coordinators. This paper follows every step of the lifecycle of a project.
  • Besides, in the last H2020 work programme, the European Commission has launched two pilot calls testing the new lump-sums approach to claim re-imbursement for the work performed within the EU FPs projects. Several EARTO members are active in the current pilots’ projects and are happy to share their experiences on Lump-Sums so far. First experiences show that before the lump sum scheme could be further extended, more piloting and evaluation should be carried out.
  • With the Horizon Europe Regulation comes the Programme’s Rules for Participation. Those will have to be implemented in the most efficient way in order for HEU to achieve its ambitious objectives. EARTO strongly encourages EU decision makers to take on board its 4 key recommendations on the financial aspects of HEU Implementation, especially for the making of the new HEU Model Grant Agreement: (1) extend the acceptance of usual cost accounting practices, (2) enable the use of Unit Costs via allocation keys to better reflect the real costs of beneficiaries, (3) ensure efficient cross-reliance on audits, and (4) improve measures for ex-ante assurance and legal certainty by relying on System & Process Audits.
  EARTO Feedback on H2020 Implementation EARTO Feedback on Lump-Sums Pilot Experiences EARTO Paper on HEU Implementation – Financial Aspects