15 / 11 / 2022

EARTO Memo: 2023 EU Budget

The Council and the European Parliament (EP) formally approved the agreement reached on the 2023 EU Budget on 14 November 2022, with a total commitment of €186,617 million, which represents a rise of 1.1% from the 2022 budget. This agreement allocates an increase of one billion euros compared to the Draft Budget proposed by the European Commission in June 2022 and almost 2.7 billion euros from the Council position on the 2023 EU Budget. The EU budget for 2023 focuses on the EU’s main policy priorities aiming to address the various consequences of the war in Ukraine and help the recovery process of the European post-pandemic economy.

The overall details are available on the Council website, Horizon Europe’s budget has been increased of €10 million euros (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) from the draft budget for a total of €12 353 million. However, the Budget heading on Single Market, Innovation and Digital (which includes Horizon Europe Fund) has been reduced by €19 million. This decrease is due to a €180 million cut in the ITER budget which conduced to a decrease of €142 million for the cluster on R&I. This important cut has been balanced by a rise in the cluster for European Strategic investments (+€103 million for Connecting Europe Facility in transport and energy) and in the cluster for the Single Market (+€15 million).

Please find bellow the EARTO Memo summarising and comparing the different phases of the 2023 EU Budget negotiation: