In this
new EARTO paper which brings forward EARTO’s key Recommendations for the design of the ERA Pact for R&I and its future attached Council Conclusions (see also
EARTO Recommendations for EU RD&I policy Post-2020), EARTO Calls on the EC and Member States to:
Set-up a concrete roadmap to achieve the 3% EU GDP R&D investment target with a clear impact-driven approach [ERA Actions 1 & 2].
Recognise that Technology Infrastructures are a backbone of the ERA and define concrete actions for an ambitious European Strategy on Technology Infrastructures (TIs), for instance via dedicated EC Communication and Council Conclusions [ERA Action 10].
Co-create Common Industrial Technology Roadmaps with key stakeholders like RTOs, building upon existing knowledge
5, and deploy them at EU, national and regional levels [ERA Action 5].
Streamline EU, national and regional support to Industrial Innovation Ecosystems and develop the concept of ERA Hubs by creating an effective alignment between existing initiatives
7 [ERA Action 6].
Develop and exploit effective synergies between EU, National and Regional programme to leverage technologies and maximise the impact of RD&I investments [ERA Actions 2 & 3].
EARTO remains at the disposal of the EU institutions to further discuss these recommendations and support the deepening and concrete implementation of the new ERA for R&I.